لغو سفر دکتر نادری به ایران

دکتر فیروز نادری که قرار بود پس از سال ها بار دیگر به ایران سفر کند در آخرین لحظات سفرش را به ایران لغو کرد. در پی لغو این سفر وی نامه ای خطاب به علاقمندان این سفر در ایران نوشت که متن آن در زیر می آید: 

After 27 years I was looking forward with great excitement to my visit to Iran
not only to see my family but also to interact with the young people of Iran
and the great academic organizations in Tehran and Shiraz.  I have been
overwhelmed by the response and the generosity of people with whom I have
interacted to organize this trip including students, university professors and
members of the media.  However, life does not always turn out as you wish it.
A work related obligation has unexpectedly emerged (dealing with the spacecraft
that is approaching Mars) that requires me to stay in Los Angles and therefore
postpone my trip.
I would like to express my gratitude to a number of people who invested
much of their valuable time planning and organizing this trip.  They include
Professor Vafai of Sharif University, Professor Modarres of Tehran University
and Professors Riazi and Barati of Shiraz University.  I also owe a debt of gratitude
to a number of superb science journalists primarily Mr. Babak Amin Tafrishi editor
in chief of the Nojume magazine, Mr. Pouria Nazemi of Jam-e-Jam daily and
Mr. Siavosh Safarian of TV channel 4 who tended to every detail of this trip.

I hope to see all of you soon.  You all touched my heart with your generosity
toward me.

My best wishes,

Firouz Naderi
Los Angles 

Wednesday February 22

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