The Night Sky, The Forgotten Nature

The Night Sky, The Forgotten Nature: Uncovering the Impact of One Television Programme on Astronomy Communication in Iran

In 2001, two brothers known as the Saffarianpour brothers started a television programme on Iranian state television called Aseman-e-shab (The Night Sky).

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Winter Is Here, but Why?

For last six years, we celebrated summer (in the northern hemisphere at least) with the promise of inevitable winter and this year finally winter is here. The Game of Thrones TV show is going to come back in just a few days for its 7th season and this time the Great War in the middle of winter is ahead of us.

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An Interview with Mark Changizi: The Vision Reveolution

MARK CHANGIZI is a theoretical neurobiologist aiming to grasp the ultimate foundations underlying why we think, feel and see as we do. His research focuses on “why” questions, and he has made important discoveries such as on why we see in color, why we see illusions, why we have forward-facing eyes, why the brain is structured as it is, why animals have as many limbs and fingers as they do, why the dictionary is organized as it is, why fingers get pruney when wet, and how we acquired writing, language and music.

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Let’s Stop this foolish fool day lies

We are living in the post-factual era.
We are living in a world that you can look straight to the cameras and the eyes of people and with straight faces lie to them and find no consequences.
We all are in a way or another is victims of lies.

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An Interview with Andy Weir

The Martian was a hugely successful for And Weir and it was a pleasant surprise for many people who love hard sci- fi. The Martian was not just a good sci-fi it was written with great passion and you could feel that love and curiosity through the story. 

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Rental Rooms in the House of Cards

Frank Underwood might lose his upcoming election, but he definitely already won the heart of his nation, which extended far beyond the U.S. One of the best political drama series in recent years, not only used a good writing, directing, acting and other technical issues, but also tried to base its narrative on the reality of the political world. No need to mention that it played an important role to change the online entertainment industry.

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