The Suicide Squad: An unintentional political commentary
How the tragedy in Afghanistan added a layer to the meaning of a superhero movie?…
‘Artemis’: A Book Review
Andy Weir’s Artemis is an adventure story that happens on the moon. While the science foundation and accuracy of this book are as strong as his last blockbuster novel, The Martian, the characters are suffering from lack of developments and they fall into the trap of known clichés.…
Star Wars: A Perspective from a city far far away
There has been an awakening and If you have been around during last year, it is almost impossible that you didn’t feel that.…
An Interview with Andy Weir
The Martian was a hugely successful for And Weir and it was a pleasant surprise for many people who love hard sci- fi. The Martian was not just a good sci-fi it was written with great passion and you could feel that love and curiosity through the story. …